Introduction: The Programming Cycle for Python , Python IDE, Interacting with Python Programs ,
Elements of Python, Type Conversion.
Basics: Expressions, Assignment Statement, Arithmetic Operators, Operator Precedence, Boolean
Conditionals: Conditional statement in Python (if-else statement, its working and execution),
Nested-if statement and Elif statement in Python, Expression Evaluation & Float Representation.
Loops: Purpose and working of loops , While loop including its working, For Loop , Nested Loops ,
Break and Continue.
Function: Parts of A Function , Execution of A Function , Keyword and Default Arguments ,Scope
Strings : Length of the string and perform Concatenation and Repeat operations in it. Indexing and
Slicing of Strings.
Python Data Structure : Tuples , Unpacking Sequences , Lists , Mutable Sequences , List
Comprehension , Sets , Dictionaries
Higher Order Functions: Treat functions as first class Objects , Lambda Expressions
Sieve of Eratosthenes: generate prime numbers with the help of an algorithm given by the Greek
Mathematician named Eratosthenes, whose algorithm is known as Sieve of Eratosthenes.
File I/O : File input and output operations in Python Programming
Exceptions and Assertions
Modules : Introduction , Importing Modules ,
Abstract Data Types : Abstract data types and ADT interface in Python Programming.
Classes : Class definition and other operations in the classes , Special Methods ( such as init,
str, comparison methods and Arithmetic methods etc.) , Class Example , Inheritance , Inheritance
and OOP
Iterators & Recursion: Recursive Fibonacci , Tower Of Hanoi
Search : Simple Search and Estimating Search Time , Binary Search and Estimating Binary Search
Sorting & Merging: Selection Sort , Merge List , Merge Sort , Higher Order Sort
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